Monday, February 14, 2011

RR06 - Cradle to Cradle: Chapter 1-3

"You must get the most out of the power, out of the material, and out of the time." Stated by Henry Ford, making a good point.  I enjoyed this quote because they are extremely valid words to live by for a designer and a creator.  I enjoyed reading about his process of creating the Model T car and how he was conscious of efficient production along with minimizing the waste.  He seemed to be a great business man and many more people should have attempted to follow in his steps. Maybe factories wouldn't be back-tracking to find more economically/environmentally friendly ways to create products if they would have just seen what Ford's thoughts and goals were. These three chapters continue to spew the message of being "green" and environmentally friendly.  We need to break these damaging habits to help clean up the world we live in.

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