Monday, January 10, 2011

J01 & CR01

I'm Katie Branscum and I'm from a North Ridgeville (a suburb southwest of Cleveland). I am a Consumer Sciences major and a Design minor. This is my 2nd year at Ohio State and I LOVE it. Living right by High St. is great because I enjoy hearing the hustle and bustle of the big city. Even though winters in Ohio suck, I prefer walking everywhere. As a freshman, I went to the regional campus at Newark and hated it.  I came out of there meeting very few people so I'm very glad to be in Columbus now.  Growing up I had training in dance for about 15 years and now I just take elective dance courses here at OSU to keep me sane!

This class is one of the many requirements for the Design minor. I am very much interested in the ideas and principles of "design thinking".  I have already taken Design230 and learned a lot about approaching situations and problems with a design based mind rather than a simple business mind.  The creativity of thinking can be used to better so many things and I hope to gain the knowledge to do so.  I am combining a marketing-type major with the design minor in hopes to be useful to both sides of the spectrum in the future.

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