Monday, January 31, 2011


All over the world individuals and groups search for identities within their cultures and societies.  Searching for that identity is not something we do by choice, but rather an act we perform subconsciously.  Just like individuals, companies want to establish an identity also.  Culture affects companies in a similar way that it affects individuals.  There are some companies who are responsible for creating a product for multiple different countries and making the same item isn't always possible.  They need to alter the item to fit the differentiating cultural needs.  Designing for the convenience of cultures may be difficult, but it is necessary. Whether the design is something being used or some form of visual merchandising, it needs to have an individual identity to fit the users and consumers.

Systems may not be something we think about everyday, but we do use them all the time.  Different systems, such as roadways/transportation, computer, business, and banking, are all step-by-step procedures that we think of as a whole.  We, as users of these systems, are so accustomed to they flow of everyday life that we don't notice all the little pieces of each network.  They are designed a specific way to be convenient and helpful so that these small steps don't seem like just that.


I wish I had more to post. I'm sure I saw so many more over the course of the week, but unfortunately I'm just not that perceptive.


Last week was really enjoyable! Doing the scavenger hunt was a nice change of pace outside of the norm. I am the kind of person who likes to learn in a "hands-on" setting and this really was something that fit that.  It was fun and informational. I was able to appreciate things about certain buildings that I hadn't noticed in the past.  Also, my partner and I were able to share knowledge with each other, not only about ourselves, but about the school too.

Monday, January 24, 2011


When I performed this survey, my only instructions were for the people to respond with the first thought that came to mind.  This doesn't necessarily mean that they prefer one over the other, I viewed the results as each person surveyed having a stronger opinion towards one of the options; being it positive or negative. And out of 6 people surveyed, these were their responses:

1. Black (4) vs. White (2)
2. Fiction (4) vs. Nonfiction (2)
3. Dogs (6) vs. Cats (0)
4. Summer (6) vs. Winter (0)
5. Hot Dogs (1) vs. Hamburger (5)
6. Coffee (4) vs. Tea (2)
7. T.V. (1) vs. Movies (5)

***I apologize greatly for the lack of creativity in the display of results.  I created graphs in Word and they would not upload in any format to this blog post.

Monday, January 10, 2011


This new product is a pair of 'trendy' 3D glasses.  Created by Del Rey & Co., they are designed to fit comfortably on the wearer's face and nose.  With a larger field of vision and a .08 mm lens, they provide the viewing of a more clean and crisp picture.

This short article is interesting because it explains the technology of an existing item made more fashionable.  Although I, personally, would not invest in these 3D glasses, some people may want them for their new 3D capable televisions. Looking fashionable while sitting on your couch is very important!

J01 & CR01

I'm Katie Branscum and I'm from a North Ridgeville (a suburb southwest of Cleveland). I am a Consumer Sciences major and a Design minor. This is my 2nd year at Ohio State and I LOVE it. Living right by High St. is great because I enjoy hearing the hustle and bustle of the big city. Even though winters in Ohio suck, I prefer walking everywhere. As a freshman, I went to the regional campus at Newark and hated it.  I came out of there meeting very few people so I'm very glad to be in Columbus now.  Growing up I had training in dance for about 15 years and now I just take elective dance courses here at OSU to keep me sane!

This class is one of the many requirements for the Design minor. I am very much interested in the ideas and principles of "design thinking".  I have already taken Design230 and learned a lot about approaching situations and problems with a design based mind rather than a simple business mind.  The creativity of thinking can be used to better so many things and I hope to gain the knowledge to do so.  I am combining a marketing-type major with the design minor in hopes to be useful to both sides of the spectrum in the future.