Monday, March 14, 2011


I really enjoyed this course as a whole! I liked the material that was presented to us and the form it was presented in.  I feel that the material learned will assist me both in design and all sorts of other areas.  The group project was enjoyable also.  When it comes to design, being able to work well with others is very important.  Expanding off other people's thoughts and dealing with different kinds of people are both necessary things to work with from college and up into the real world.
The only thing I disagreed with throughout the course was the large amount of assignments due.  Having 3+ assignments due every week was difficult to handle along with my other classes.  It was a lot to remember and to manage.  Maybe I only feel this way because the other classes I was taking had large work loads also...but I'm not sure.
Gabe, thanks for an enjoyable quarter!




As a group and after many failed ideas, we landed on making a wall mural. The murals will be images taken of famous outdoor recreation sites.  This product will allow the Coleman users to experience the look of the outdoors right inside their home. There will be personalizing options for people who want them. Also, we are building off of an idea presented by Gabe.  We are going to make the murals with a feature to detect carbon monoxide.

For the most part, we all held our weight of the project. I provided many ideas, thoughts, and critiques.  Olivia did a lot of the visual work; ie: kiosk, mural images, logo.  Not being as tech-savvy as her, I felt bad that I couldn't add as much to the presentation as I wanted to.  But I feel that the thoughts and research I presented benefited everyone well.


In the Coleman for the Home project, we are trying to building off the idea of an indoor grill that could potentially  create the same experience as outdoor grilling.  All of the group members are working well together. The thoughts that we are trying to expand seem reasonable.  An indoor grill may be a little difficult to make work without a lot knowledge of grills, but we shall see how that goes.

Personally, I think I am contributing equally with all the other group members.  We seem to get along well and I look forward to the rest of this quarter with them.

J09 (A05)

This project seems like it is going to be quite a challenge.  Designing a product for the home with the ideals of a company that makes products for the outdoors is going to be a struggle.  But our base ideas are seeming to be good.  Hopefully with some help from Gabe and a few suggestions, then we can settle on a solid product to start building off of.

I feel that my ideas towards the project are helping the group out. We are all making valid points and suggestions and growing from each others thoughts. Craig is posting a few sketches of our progress.

Monday, February 14, 2011

RR06 - Cradle to Cradle: Chapter 1-3

"You must get the most out of the power, out of the material, and out of the time." Stated by Henry Ford, making a good point.  I enjoyed this quote because they are extremely valid words to live by for a designer and a creator.  I enjoyed reading about his process of creating the Model T car and how he was conscious of efficient production along with minimizing the waste.  He seemed to be a great business man and many more people should have attempted to follow in his steps. Maybe factories wouldn't be back-tracking to find more economically/environmentally friendly ways to create products if they would have just seen what Ford's thoughts and goals were. These three chapters continue to spew the message of being "green" and environmentally friendly.  We need to break these damaging habits to help clean up the world we live in.